Colorado Pollinator Month

By Idelle, June 1, 2023

Did you know that June is Colorado Pollinator Month?

Join our community organizations including the Front Range Wild Ones and People and Pollinators to help and celebrate pollinators this month. Be sure to check out the free native plant swaps and other events happening this month to learn about and help pollinators in our urban landscapes.

We put in a large native plant garden in our front yard last year, replacing struggling grass with a oasis of color and life. Check it out:

Mostly natives were planted in this new garden, we used a hand edger (with those little half moon blades) to remove squares of sod to compost so we could quickly plant some of the native plants we got at the Denver native plant swap in 2022. No glyphosate or chemicals used, but we did get some wood mulch to help keep the weed seeds from growing, and hand weed as needed but it hasn’t needed much! It has grown a TON in the last year and is full of color and pollinators.
Rocky Mountain Penstemon with Bumblebee
Though they look small now, but these native plants from the 2022 Denver Native Plant Swap are now growing large and lush this year in gardens and landscapes throughout the Front Range of Colorado. It’s amazing how fast they grow, year after year they just keep getting bigger and better.

Want to adopt some native plants or share some of your volunteers?
Join us for this month’s FREE Native Plant Swaps »